About the Event
AmChams in the region are pleased to host for the first time a "Regional Speed Networking" event, on Monday, April 5, 2021, from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm (UAE Time).
While networking may look different, we believe connecting to the business community is more important now than ever and this is a fun and straightforward way to meet new people and expand your network to other AmCham members in the region.
Participating AmChams:
- AmCham Abu Dhabi
- AmCham Bahrain
- AmCham Dubai
- AmCham Kuwait
- AmCham Oman
- AmCham Qatar
- AmCham Saudi Arabia
As some of you have already experienced, this event recreates the efficiency of in-person speed networking from the comfort of your own home - attendees meet in small groups, in a fast-paced environment, to discuss their work, swap introductions, and then move on to more introductions.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 973 2862 3199